Business Details
- Established by current owner over the past 36 years
- Specialising primarily in market research, compilation and analysis
- 4 full time staff, 1 senior casual and up to 10 junior casual staff depending on projects & work load
- A high percentage of the business clients are global
- Business provides the following: facilities and services
- Online surveys
- CATI (computer aided telephone interviewing) focus group discussions
- Individual and telephone in-depth interviews and recruitment in Australia, New Zealand & companies in Asia, UK, Europe, North America & South America
- Country teams with language/translation skills, transcriptions and reporting
- Panel Building and Verification
- Associate Agency (acquired in 1998) specialises in customer satisfaction research.
- Qualitative and quantitative studies for major clients:
- Including Toshiba, Microsoft, Sheraton, Intel, Australian Tax Office
- Over 50,000 interviews in APAC & South America over 10 years for a major IT client
- High profile globally through goodwill built over 36 years and expertise of the management group.
- Major Healthcare Panel developed since 2000
- Business Development includes a large service base of online research into healthcare in Australia and Asia, while continuing B2B & IT market research
- Technology growth continues to offer further opportunities for market research
Business potential:
- Our location in Australia provides potential for expansion into the growing economies of Asia particularly the Chinese market
- Emerging technology will expand facilities and services
- Development of General Public and Business Panels
- Sydney NSW Australia
Reasons for selling the business:
- Owners wish to retire
- Owners will assist in the short term a smooth transition briefing owners on current business projects and general assistance where required.
- Existing Manager will train and inform new owners on existing technologies and facilities. New owners will walk into a fully operational business
Asking price:Reduced to sell Now!
Offers and terms around $550,000 will be considered.
$ 550,000.00
Contact Information
Contact Noel Currie
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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