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Business Details

Multi-Faceted unique Hobart- based business.

  • The business was established 7 years ago by its owner / operators and this unique Hobart- based business turns over typically $1 million annually.
  • This multi-income stream business is combined in a mini-department store concept selling women’s fashion, accessories and gifts along with a licensed café and florist.
  • All aspects of the business feed off others – café diners shop and shoppers dine. The business is a destination for its predominantly female clientele. The business revenues are 45% retail, 45% café and 10% floristry / gifts.
  • The business employs 12 staff, 4 full time and remainder are casual employees. All staff are multi-skilled working across all parts of the business.
  • The business is based on the Eastern Shore of Hobart and is only a 5 minute drive from the CBD. The premise is around 330 square metres.
  • The business has an up to date website with on-line ordering for its florist. Its clients are largely repeat visitors or visit the business because of word of mouth referral. The business has a solid, loyal customer base within the greater Hobart metropolitan area and Southern Tasmania. Its business is a split of 40% professional and 60% recreational shoppers Monday to Friday and its weekend trade being almost entirely social shoppers and diners.
  • Customers frequent the business because of its setting, its location and are attracted by its elegant and unique combination of lifestyle aspects.
  • The business operates seven days a week during daytime hours. There is an untapped opportunity with evening trade as the premises are fully licensed. A wine-bar concept is being considered as is increasing the number and frequency of private functions (including weddings).
  • Hobart has a large population of wealthy retirees and well educated professionals. The business is located in a cluster of retail outlets and light commercial premises and one of its key competitive differences is that it is not in a shopping mall location.
  • It has a street frontage and has a 150 space public car parking area at its rear. The premises are leased on a five plus five commercial lease which has three years remaining. Included in the asking price are all aspects of the business including all fittings, equipment and display items plus stock to be sold at valuation.
  • Ownership of the business would suit either a couple or family. It opens 60 hours in a week and is complex being three businesses in one. For those that appreciate the social aspects of hospitality and retail set in a stylish environment, this business presents an opportunity to combine work and the benefits of living in Hobart’s unique lifestyle. The harbour city of Hobart is an extremely picturesque place combining the best of an unspoilt natural environment, the attributes of a capital city and a great laidback vibe that makes the city a special place to live and work.


Code TB10-016

Asking price: $400,000

$ 400,000.00
For Sale.
Business Opportunity Hobart
Contact Information
Contact property
1300 722 556
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
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